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Basilique Notre-Dame de la Garde


Restoration of the Néo-Byzantine Mosaics, some of the master-pieces from the workshops of Salviati and Mora. The work was performed between 2006 and 2008 under the direction of the Mosaic artist Michel Patrizio and the architect Xavier David. In addition to water damage and candle smoke the damage on the Mosaics had also been caused by the bullets and explosions of the French Liberation.

Work undertaken: Diagnosis, injections, partial removal and re-installation, gap filling and cleaning. 

Les étapes de restauration

degraded choir, cupola

Parts of the original mosaic disappeared during the war, a plaster was used to hide the holes while waiting for the real restoration.

degrated cupola

classical pattern

The drawing visible on the layer was taken from an undamaged area. The edges of the lacuna are also to be drawn before we start making the mosaic.  

drawn layer

workshop work

The tesserae are cut using the martelina, a special hammer for mosaists. Each tessera is cut individually and stuck to the layer according to the drawing.

classical mosaic is made of venitian smalti

remplacement of the gold tesserae

One of the cupolas of the nave required the replacement of all the gold tesserae.

damaged gold tesserae have been removed and replaced with new ones

classic decor damaged

Palm trees and foliage damaged.

restored foliage

The decor after restoration.

restored foliage and palm tree

Restored choir

The choir of the basilica after restoration. The choir regains its original brilliance.

the restored cupola
Meilleurs Ouvriers de France
Mosaïque d’art