Boulangerie Odorico
Rehabilitation of a bakery.
Contracting authority : Town hall of Marcillé-Robert (35)
Project managers: Arch'Eco // Céline Morizet-Quoniam
This bakery facade dating from the 1940s or 1950s is attributed to the Odorico workshop.
pollution, foams and deposits
The most exposed and therefore the most damaged part of the facade is the cornice overhanging the window. The runoff of water on the masonry caused biological colonization - mosses and lichens became embedded in the hollow joints of the mosaic. The runoff also caused the formation of deposits on the entire cornice.
Cornice detail
Cornice before and after the restoration intervention. This industrial-type mosaic is an assembly of tesserae of porcelain stoneware and Briare enamels. The format of the tesserae used for this facade is 13 x 13 mm, this format is no longer manufactured today.
Restoration of a pillar
Repair of a cleavage in the masonry then re-gluing of the original tesserae.
replacement of tesserae
Purge of metal elements belonging to the old awning removed. The holes caused by this purge are filled with recent tesserae in colors closest to the original. Tessellations recut to the format of the original tesserae.